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Take a really deep breath and sigh it out

Yoga Mats
Home: Welcome


If you mess up, no one cares, what’s going to happen?

"I used to believe yoga was for people who have skin care routines and good posture. I started off clumsy and self-conscious, glancing around to check myself, until an instructor said, If you mess up, no one give a shit, like what’s gonna happen. I liked the hour and a half on the mat, my apricot-coloured rectangle sealed to the floor, a small border fending off external distractions. Slowly I learned to turn my attention inward, to elongate from my Achilles tendon to the tips of my fingers. I imagined the clenched cells inside me unfurling.

Being fully inside my body makes me feel beautiful, powerful, makes me want to be consumed, to share all the small parts of me."

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Home: Testimonials

Pascale you are a beautiful teacher, holding the group with such care yet also great humour and honesty, never having expectations or undermining anothers' body. You create an environment that feels safe, supported and symbiotic.

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